All Audit4 users that have a fully paid Audit4 license are entitled to support services as defined in the S4S Support Services Document.

Remote Support
Ph: 1300 133 308
New Zealand
Ph: 04 831 0742
Provide the TeamViewer ID and password over the phone to allow an S4S Support officer to share your screen.
Email: S4S Support
Forms, documents & links to get your new Audit4 up and running
Audit4 Application Form
Audit4NewSiteForm_AU (MS-Word)
New Zealand
Audit4 New Site Form – NZ (MS-Word)
My Health Record and ePrescribing
Related External Services
To prescribe medications or check product information within Audit4, you are required to have a MIMS Integrated license with MIMS Australia or MIMS New Zealand
MIMS Integrated Price List and Order Form – Australia
You will need to order the PBS/RPBS computer prescription forms (i.e. designed for laser printers) using the PB229 form, which is available on the Human Services website:
Depending on your locality, HealthLink Messaging is generally required for a number of pathology, imaging and nuclear medicine providers. You can also use HealthLink for your secure messaging – this will require a subscription to be paid to HealthLink but this can result in significant savings in time and postage costs for your letters. (Argus, Medical Objects, and ReferralNet are alternative secure messaging systems that also can be used with Audit4 within Australia).