Audit4 Billing has full integration with Audit4 Clinical and Appointment modules, providing a streamlined billing experience for the patient and practice staff. Tailored setup combined with clean screen design ensures a minimal effort user experience when completing common billing tasks.
Supported Fee Schedules
- MBS (Medicare Benefits Schedule)
- Workers’ Compensation (Vic, SA, Qld)
- Custom
Billing and Claiming
- Medicare Web Services fully supported
- Medicare Online (Bulk bill, Patient Claiming, Reporting, Patient Verification)
- Medicare Easyclaim using Tyro (Bulk bill, Patient Claiming)
- Medicare Eclipse (DVA, IMC – Inpatient Medical Claiming, Reporting, Veteran Verification, IMC – Online Eligibility Check)
Click here for information about the 2022 Audit4 Billing transition to Medicare Web Services.
- Tyro Health EFTPOS full integration
OR - Unlinked EFTPOS