With numerous new features and enhancements, including:
- eCorrespondence – Sending and Receiving: Support for incoming eCorrespondence (e.g. GP Referral Letters etc) was provided in the March 2011 release. This latest release (v2.54.0) extends eCorrespondence to allow sending of your Audit4 correspondence electronically via Argus, Healthlink, Medical Objects and/or ReferralNet. This is done by dropping your correspondence into a HL7 v2.3.1 “REF” file that is automatically placed into a folder – the secure email system then picks it up and delivers it to the recipient. Audit4 also can send and receive HL7 acknowledgements – so you can see if it has been delivered successfully. Audit4 eCorrespondence can be sent and received with RTF, HTML, and PDF formats (the latter being recommended).
- Audit4 Task Enhancements: Including a new intuitive Ribbon interface, Task Groups and Quick Views. You can easily setup a group and then send a task to the group. Any user in that group can see and assume responsibility for the task. By selecting the Task View filter you want, you can save this as a Quick view allowing you to return to this view quickly.
- Enhanced Workbooks: Including a new autolock mechanism to prevent accidental loss of worksheet history – a simple unlock click is required when you want to edit worksheets in the past. Worksheets also now allow you to switch to other Audit4 windows before completing the worksheet.
- Adverse Event Reporting: This allows you to quickly produce a printed report for Adverse events that may occur for a patient on a particular medication, which can be then sent to the drug company and/or the Therapeutic Goods Administration. Much of the data that is required is automatically completed for you from the patient record in a de-identified way.
As with every release of Audit4, there are also many new and enhanced clinical worksheets and preview panes.
[March 2012]